Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The beginning...

As I begin this new journey of implementing an innovative, 21st century classroom I think of my educational technology experiences. I vividly remember the first introduction to the computer in my kindergarten classroom. The entire afternoon kindergarten class was huddled around a large "box" that looked very similar to a TV. After we all settled down, my kindergarten teacher proceed to explain this new technology and how we were to use it. The computer took up the entire desk, the drive was a separate floppy drive and the floppy disk was an actual floppy disk that was very large in size. In the years I was in elementary school the implementation of computer useage in the classroom increased exponentially and by the time I was in sixth grade we no longer were using an actual floppy disk, we had to save all of our files on a hard "floppy" disk.  Now that I am a teacher, I find myself thinking of the teachers I had in elementary school. I am very appreciative of all of the time and energy they put into making computer use and technology profeciency part of the classroom instruction.

I now have the opportunity to pay it forward. The learners in my classroom today are much different than the learner I was when I was an elementary student. I now am faced with different challenges and technology that will be considered outdated within a few years. I am willing to take on the challenge of teaching the students in my classroom to become technology proficient and adaptive to the technology each student is asked to use. Now, I challenge you to join me on this journey. Please feel free to post on this blog or email me any suggestions, comments, or questions you may have. I am not an expert by any means; however, I will learn with you as we all create an innovative, 21st century classroom that will meet the needs of our unique learners.

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